What can I say about New York City that hasn't been said before? I thought I'd be ready for how chaotic and big it is, but after only two months in the big apple I feel I've only scrapped the surface. I was able to stay at the SVA dorms in on Ludlow and Delaney. The dorm is so small! It actually started to grown on me hehe. I feel like I could live here (if I had the money that is.) That being said I do miss my friends and family back home.
My first couple weeks in New York I walked everywhere, no matter how far a trip it would be. I would walk to class and would try my best to not use the map on my smart phone. I caved pretty quickly (how could anyone get around here without one?) Eventually I would find my way. Walking to class in the morning was so invigorating! Seeing the city pulse with people of all different types filled me with his energy to create! This website is to show a lot of what I saw, heard, smelled, and felt! Also with a side stop to Detroit to see my sweet baby, Addie. A lot of this might seem like nonsense but I hope you see some things here that are familiar to you if you're a true New Yorker. I don't look both ways when I cross the street so I think I've become one!